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Forbes Expert Panel Feature: Digitize Your Business With These 14 Smart Strategies

Published: Author: Lisa Horn

In the wake of COVID-19, the business world continues to move toward a digital-first environment. While there are retail stores, restaurants and service businesses that have traditionally relied on foot traffic and word-of-mouth to bring in customers, they are likely missing out on sales opportunities by not developing an online presence. For businesses that don’t have a digital strategy, where do you begin?

In the article Digitize Your Business With These 14 Smart Strategies, Valerie Hayman Sklar, Corporate Specialties’ president, joins 13 fellow Forbes Business Council members to discuss ways that traditional brick-and-mortar companies can set up their online presence without it seeming like an intimidating and daunting process.

Her advice: Look for ways to create a brand experience in the digital space. This is not only cultivated through how customers interact with tech to make purchases, but via branding that’s interwoven throughout visual messaging (color palettes, photos and graphics) and textual messaging (written or spoken words). Consistent messaging impacts the know, like and trust factor and boosts the brand experience.

Check out all the tips here. And in case you missed Valerie’s previous feature-length editorials, view her contributions here.


If you’re looking for ways to augment your brand experience, consider how tangible promotional products can support your digital presence. Our concierge service can work with you to strategically integrate branded merchandise into your marketing campaigns so that customers not only reach for your items again and again, but they also see your URL as a consistent reminder to read your blog, visit your social profiles and, of course, shop! 

Drop us a line at or book an appointment at to get started. Choose from quick 10-minute chats, 20-minute new product calls and 30-minute brainstorming sessions to learn about all the available options.

